Who should take this test and why it’s essential:
Both men and women can benefit from taking MLD’s Advanced Testosterone At Home test. If you are experiencing symptoms of low testosterone levels, take this test to determine testosterone’s role in your overall health.
Advanced Testosterone Test Kit
Discover the MLD Advanced Testosterone Test:
Testosterone plays a vital role in the development and function of both male and female bodies. It enhances sex drive, supports fat burning, improves memory and heart health, and facilitates the production of red blood cells and sperm in men. Achieve top performance and good health with the Advanced Testosterone Test Kit, which provides a comprehensive analysis of Total Testosterone levels, Free and Bioavailable Testosterone Levels, and the Free Androgen Index—a complete assessment of available testosterone for optimal bodily utilization.

- FSA/HSA Accounts Accepted

Finger Stick
Collection Method
For those looking for a low cost option, we offer a traditional Finger Stick collection method with a lancet collection device.
- Lower cost, although with low to moderate pain
- Complete blood results from a single microtainer
- Fast turn-around of results
- Free overnight return shipping

Collection Method
Our Quick Draw device makes sample collection easy, fast and pain free.
- Painless
- Free virtual assistance with collection
- Complete blood results from a single microtainer
- Fast turn-around of results
- Free overnight return shipping

Choose How You'd Like To Collect Your Sample
*Receive guidance on using our QuickDraw collection device effectively with a free virtual appointment
What this Test measures
Advanced Testosterone Panel
Testosterone is often associated with masculinity, but the female body also produces and uses testosterone in smaller amounts. Males with low testosterone often experience a reduction in muscle mass, sex drive and strength, and an increase in weight gain, belly fat, depression, irritability and mental fog. Women experience similar symptoms of low testosterone as men with negative impacts to muscle and bone mass, weight gain, sex drive and mood. Low or high testosterone levels could be an indication of a health problem. Whether you’re a man or a woman, understanding your testosterone and other hormone levels is an important part of your overall health, wellness and vitality plan.
- Total Testosterone
- Free Testosterone
- Free Androgen Index
- Bioavailable Testosterone
Testosterone is a sex hormone that regulates sex drive, muscle mass, bone mass, fat distribution and the production or both red blood cell and sperm (in men). It helps male features develop over time and it naturally decreases as men age. The effects of gradually lowering testosterone levels in men are known as late-onset hypogonadism. This condition affects 4 in 10 men by the age of 45. Women also produce testosterone but in much smaller amounts. Among women, a high testosterone level may indicate the presence of polycystic ovary syndrome which impacts 6% to 10% of premenopausal women.
Common Symptoms of low Testosterone in Men
- Fatigue
- Decreased muscle mass
- Increased fat levels, especially belly fat
- Overall weight gain
- Low libido or sex drive
- Irritability
- Mental fog and memory loss
- Depression and low overall drive
Common Symptoms of Low Testosterone in Women
- Increased body fat
- Irritability, depression, anxiety
- Loss of bone density
- Low libido or sex drive
- Vaginal dryness
- Decreased muscle mass
- Thinning hair
- Memory loss
SHBG, or Sex hormone binding globulin, is a protein made by the liver that attaches itself to three sex hormones: testosterone, dihydrotestosterone and estradiol. It is often used to evaluate men for low testosterone and women for excess testosterone production. High SHBG levels indicates the protein is attaching itself to your sex hormones excessively, making testosterone less available in the body while Low SHBG levels means there are potentially more free sex hormones for your body to use.
Symptoms of High SHBG
- Infertility
- Decreased sperm concentration and motility
- Decreased sex drive
- Impotence
- Reduced testicle size
- Decreased body hair
Symptoms of Low SHBG
- Fluid retention
- Acne
- Increased appetite and weight gain
- Increased muscle mass
- Weight gain
- Excess facial and body hair
- Acne
- Mood changes
Free testosterone is the unbound form of testosterone in the body. 98% of the testosterone found in the body is bound to either sex-hormone binding globulin (SHBG) or albumin. This is referred to as “bound testosterone”. The other 2% that is leftover is known as “free testosterone”. Free testosterone is what connects with testosterone receptors within the body’s cells. Free testosterone enables cell replication in the bones and muscles and is responsible for secondary sexual characteristics in men such as facial hair and a deeper voice. Low levels of free testosterone can lead to poor muscle development, irritability, low sex drive and other issues.
Free Androgen Index (FAI) is a ratio that is calculated by comparing the total amount of testosterone against the levels of SHBG. It is used as an indicator of how much free testosterone is available for the body to use.
Total testosterone circulates primarily as protein-bound. For example, approximately 80% is bound to sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) and about 18% is bound to albumin. Only 2-3% exists in free, biological active form. Because testosterone is only weakly tied to albumin, it can be reversed easily. Bioavailable Testosterone is therefore a calculated value comprised of albumin-bound testosterone and free testosterone.
How At-Home Testing Works

Step One
Select The Test That's Right For You
Collect your own lab sample anytime, anywhere through an easy-to-use test kit that’s shipped direct to you.

Step Two
Collect And Return Your Sample
Quickly collect your sample from the comfort of your home using our ground-breaking Quick Draw device.

Step Three
View YourResults
Your lab results will be available on your personal online dashboard. Results are in an easy-to-understand educational format that helps you manage your health.

We are a REAL LAB,not a marketing company
All tests are processed through our university backed, CLIA certified labs and HIPAA secure results are delivered in real time. After your test is processed, we offer in-depth results to not only help you make important decisions about your health in conjunction with your treating physician or medical team, but solutions to any health issues that may be discovered during the process.
Questions? We Have Answers.
Please prepare to test first thing in the morning. Be sure to drink plenty of water before testing! Being well hydrated will help increase blood flow and improve the testing experience.
*Note: Do not test on a Friday, Saturday, Sunday, or Holiday. Your sample must be picked up, dropped at a dropbox location or brought to FedEx on the same day you test.
Free testosterone is the unbound form of testosterone in the body. 98% of the testosterone found in the body is bound to either sex-hormone binding globulin (SHBG) or albumin. This is referred to as “bound testosterone”. The other 2% that is leftover is known as “free testosterone”.
Total testosterone represents the total amount of testosterone found in the body – including free and bound testosterone.
MLD’s Total Testosterone At Home test results will provide detailed information regarding your testosterone levels. Our easy to navigate patient dashboard will tell you if your testosterone levels are low, normal or high, based on reference ranges for your gender and age.
Your results can be easily shared with your healthcare provider, and in fact, we encourage you to share your data in order to obtain the treatment you might need. Contact us for a network of healthcare providers that specialize in treating hormone deficiencies.
MLD’s Total Testosterone At Home test makes it easy to monitor your testosterone levels and therefore the effectiveness of your testosterone supplement therapy.
Having too much naturally occurring testosterone is not a common problem among men – if levels are high, this may indicate the use of testosterone supplements or anabolic steroid use. Among women, a high testosterone level may reveal the presence of polycystic ovary syndrome, which impacts 6% to 10% of premenopausal women.
Symptoms of high testosterone in women:
- Acne or oily skin
- Increase in muscle mass
- Excess hair growth on face and body
- Anxiety and Depression
- Deepening of the voice
- Enlarged clitoris
- Infertility
- Thinning of hair
- Loss of libido
- Reduction in size of breasts
- Weight gain
Symptoms of high testosterone in Men:
- Acne
- Aggressive behavior
- High sex drive
- Headaches
- Increased appetite
- High blood pressure
- Excessive body hair
- Heart or liver problems