Find out who should take this test and why it’s essential:
Discover our specialized fertility test designed for individuals actively trying to conceive, seeking insights into fertility health, or experiencing changes in their menstrual cycle. Gain valuable information tailored to your needs, helping you understand and optimize your reproductive health. Take control of your fertility journey with our comprehensive testing services today.

Women's Fertility Test Kit

Discover the MLD Fertility Test:
Gain powerful insights about your fertility with the MLD Fertility 
test kit. Explore the five key hormones that influence your menstrual cycle, ovulation, and chances of conceiving with our comprehensive testing that provides the essential information you need to understand and optimize your fertility. Take control of your journey to parenthood today!
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Collection Method


Our Quick Draw device makes sample collection easy, fast and pain free.  



In The DFW Metroplex?

Stop by one of our labs or schedule a mobile concierge to have your sample collected by one of our licensed healthcare professionals.

What this Test measures

Women's Fertility

The MLD Women’s Fertility kit measures five key hormone levels that can affect your menstrual cycle, ovulation, and ability to become pregnant, providing you with actionable data to take to your healthcare provider for treatment and advice.


Follicle-stimulating hormone, or FSH, is a hormone that is secreted by the anterior pituitary gland. It helps control a woman’s menstrual cycle and egg production. Too much or too little FSH can cause a variety of problems in women.

High levels of FSH in women can be caused by menopause and polycystic ovarian syndrome (a condition in which a woman’s hormones are out of balance).

Symptoms of high FSH:

  • Irregular period
  • Hot flashes
  • Disrupted sleep
  • Skin and hair changes
  • Difficulty getting pregnant

Low levels of FSH are commonly caused by rapid weight loss or being very underweight.

Symptoms of low FSH:

  • Irregular or stopped menstrual cycle
  • Infertility
  • Luteinizing hormone, or LH, is produced and released in the anterior pituitary gland. This hormone plays a significant role in controlling the production of estrogen in the ovaries in females.  LH plays an important role in sexual development and functioning.  Too much or too little LH can cause a variety of problems, including delayed puberty in children, infertility and menstrual difficulties in women.

    High levels of LH in women can be caused by menopause and polycystic ovarian syndrome (a condition in which a woman’s hormones are out of balance).

    Symptoms of high LH:

    • Infertility
    • Unwanted hair
    • Loss of scalp hair
    • No period

    Low levels of LH in women are commonly caused by recent rapid weight loss, malnutrition, being severely underweight or if the pituitary gland is not working correctly.

    Symptoms of low LH:

    • Irregular or stopped menstrual periods
    • Infertility
    • Hot flashes

    Estradiol is the strongest of the three estrogens in the body and is an important factor in the female reproductive system.  In women, estradiol’s main function is to mature and then maintain the reproductive system.  Estradiol levels cause the maturation and release of the egg as well as the thickening of the uterus lining to allow a fertilized egg to implant.  As women age, levels of this hormone decrease significantly.

    Symptoms of high estradiol:

    • Acne
    • Constipation
    • Loss of sex drive
    • Depression
    • Increased risk of uterine and breast cancer
    • Increased risk of cardiovascular disease
    • Weight gain
    • Menstrual problems

    Symptoms of low estradiol:

    • Absence of menstrual cycle
    • Mood swings
    • Vaginal dryness
    • Hot flashes
    • Night sweats
    • Osteoporosis

    Women produce testosterone in their ovaries and adrenal glands.  Testosterone is one of the factors responsible for regulating sex drive, bone mass, fat distribution, muscle mass and production of red blood cells. 

    High Testosterone:  Among women, a high testosterone level may indicate the presence of  polycystic ovary syndrome which impacts 6% to 10% of premenopausal women.  

    Symptoms of high testosterone: 

    • Acne or oily skin 
    • Worsened sleep apnea 
    • Increase in muscle mass 
    • Excess hair growth on face and body 
    • Anxiety and Depression 
    • Deepening of the voice 
    • Enlarged clitoris 
    • Infertility 
    • Thinning of hair 
    • Loss of libido 
    • Reduction in size of breasts 
    • Weight gain 

    Low TestosteroneLow testosterone levels are called Testosterone Deficiency (TD) or Low Testosterone (Low-T).  

    Symptoms of low testosterone: 

    • Fertility problems 
    • Irregular periods 
    • Low libido 
    • Weight gain
    • Changes in breast tissue 
    • Osteoporosis  

    Progesterone is a female sex hormone that is mainly produced in the ovaries following ovulation each month. It helps regulate the menstrual cycle and maintenance of pregnancy. Without this hormone, a body cannot prepare the right environment for the egg and developing fetus.  If pregnant, low levels of progesterone can increase risk of pregnancy loss.

    High progesterone levels may mean you are pregnant, have a cyst on your ovaries or a molar pregnancy – an abdominal growth that can cause symptoms of pregnancy.

    Symptoms of high progesterone:

    • Breast swelling
    • Breast tenderness
    • Bloating
    • Anxiety or agitation
    • Fatigue
    • Low sex drive
    • Weight gain

    Low progesterone levels may be caused by menopause, problems with the ovaries or miscarriage.

    Symptoms of low progesterone:

    • Abnormal uterine bleeding
    • Irregular or missed periods
    • Spotting and abdominal pain during pregnancy
    • Frequent miscarriages

    How At-Home Testing Works

    Step One

    Select The Test That's Right For You

    Collect your own lab sample anytime, anywhere through an easy-to-use test kit that’s shipped direct to you.

    Step Two

    Collect And Return
    Your Sample

    Quickly collect your sample from the comfort of your home using our ground-breaking Quick Draw device or traditional finger prick lancet.

    Step Three

    View Your

    Your lab results will be available on your personal online dashboard. Results are in an easy-to-understand educational format that helps you manage your health.

    We are a REAL LAB,
    not a marketing company

    All tests are processed through our university backed, CLIA certified labs and HIPAA secure results are delivered in real time. After your test is processed, we offer in-depth results to not only help you make important decisions about your health in conjunction with your treating physician or medical team, but solutions to any health issues that may be discovered during the process.

    Questions? We Have Answers.

    What will my results tell me?

    MLD’s Women’s Fertility At Home test results will provide detailed information regarding the hormones most commonly associated with women’s fertility.  Our easy to navigate patient dashboard will tell you if your hormone levels are low, normal or high, helping you take control of your fertility concerns. 

    When should I take my test?

    Please prepare to test first thing in the morning. Be sure to drink plenty of water before testing! Being well hydrated will help increase blood flow and improve the testing experience. 

    *Note: Do not test on a Friday, Saturday, Sunday, or Holiday. Your sample must be picked up, dropped at a dropbox location or brought to FedEx on the same day you test. 

    Can I share my results with my healthcare provider?

    Your results can be easily shared with your healthcare provider, and in fact, we encourage you to share your data in order to obtain the treatment you might need.  Contact us for a network of healthcare providers that specialize in treating hormone deficiencies.

    How long will it take for me to get my results?

    You will receive your results in less than 48 hours from the time we receive them in the lab via our HIPAA-secure user portal.

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